Sunday's Best - Superbowl Sunday


Super Bowl Sunday was intense! My team wasn’t playing this year #CowboysNation (I’m a  fan by default, my Hubs is a die-hard Cowboys fan), but my  crew and along with so many others  were glued to the tube routing for the Seahawks.  We know the outcome, and since we’re not soar losers,  here’s to New England on their win! We raise the glass in salute – Congrats Pats!!!

So many saints were donning their favorite team jerseys. Well I don’t own a jersey, so as always, I opted to do me and don my Sunday Best #Churchflow. My look was stylish and oh-so comfy nonetheless. My #WardrobeHustle Coat:424 Jeans: JCrew Turtleneck: H&M Boots: Steve Madden Sunglasses: Miu Miu

Remember my body is truly my temple, so I adorn it, and so should you, even if it’s not with a football jersey, LOL

Don't forget to hit me up and share your own pics of how you do #SundaysBest or whenever you do your stylish best, I'd love to hear from you. And let me know how you like this latest post, if you like please comment and/or share! #SaintlyStyle

Stay Tuned: Transforming Style From the Inside Out Series: Women of Faith & Style

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