Holiday 2015 Kick-Off - Thanksgiving

Let the holidays begin! I turned the praise & worship on and we began Thanksgiving morning, well actually that night before, with cooking baked goods. Next side-dishes and finally a golden brown bird, then it was off to grandmothers' house we go!

Fixing pineapple upside down cupcakes. Check out Hubs photobombing - y'all see he's a Cowboys fan!

Cornbread coming out and cupcakes going in.

#ModelOffDuty lent a hand and helped her mama bake cakes!


Preparing a family fav - Sybil's homemade mac-n-cheese.  

If I do say so myself, my mac-n-cheese is to die for - it's that good!

My crumb snatcher Catan looking sad like we don't feed him! I decided to relent and share since it's the season of giving and I'm sure puppy love was thankful!

Some of the family arriving for Thanksgiving Dinner at mom/grandma's house - big brother and sis-in-law.

More of the family piling in - we clean up well, right!

#ModelOffDuty Symone and Kiyah reunited, having a moment.  Since Symone has been in New York, she and Kiyah haven't seen much of each other, so they're happy to catch up.

Cousins, but more like sisters!  It wouldn't be like them to not style & profile! #StyleIsInTheirBlood

Niece and my other twin, Leona "LeeLee" coming through.

Like I said, we clean up well, LOL!

Mama chillin with her happy, thankful self - always giving up the praises to our King and ready to welcome everyone and have good time with family!

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A few side dishes I prepared: cheesy, buttery Jiffy cornbread, garlic soy green beans, my renowned mac-n-cheese, long grain wild rice w/savory sausage and my pineapple upside down cupcakes minus the cherry on top!

Golden brown and juicy, fresh out the oven!

Mom-in-law's beautiful tree, where we arrived later to enjoy time with more family! Her home is always so beautifully decorated, warm and festive! Despite the untimely passing of my father-in-law, whom we will miss dearly, my mother-in-law remains strong, joyful and the glue that holds everything together, welcoming and encouraging everyone to continue moving on and to live life fully & love one another!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  Our feast was fantastic, I was definitely full off all the delicious food, but the warmth and breaking of bread with family is what truly caused me to be full and my cup to run over. I have so much gratitude, even when conflict may arise, for my harvest of family love and blessings great & small.  I'm so very thankful! #SaintlyStyle